Tuesday, August 1, 2017

National Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (NCEMHS) August 2017 Newsletter

   National Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (NCEMHS)
August 2017 Update  

       Good afternoon Colleagues, hope the summer is going great and that you are ready to go back to school in the next few weeks! We are looking forward to an exciting and ambitious 2017-18 academic year and would like to take a few minutes to apprise you of some recent activities in emergency management,  homeland security, and cyber security education and  training; as well as, provide some additional information on related career pathways design,  development, and implementation. Finally, would like to briefly mention several new peer-reviewed academic journals that we are preparing for release next year.

        First of all, in terms of current projects, we are preparing to release the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Associates Degree Program Model Curriculum and Academic Standards. The documentation shares the culmination of several years of significant effort state-wide collaboration and cooperation between the California academic community, public sector partners, additional key industry stakeholders, and not-for profit organizations on EM-HS program architecture and course design. The Associates-level project began with a Capability Gap Analysis of industry and partner/employer needs compared to skill-sets currently found across academia with the subsequent design of an innovative  proficiency based student learning outcome (SLOs) transfer based model curriculum to be used by colleges and universities across the state.

The Associates-level  document (to be released this month) lays out the complete design, standards, and curriculum for  Emergency Management and Homeland Security 2-year degree programs that rely upon a standardized series of courses that meet critical industry standards and workforce needs. Community colleges serve a  key workforce development/ career training role as well as preparing students for transfer into 4-year undergraduate education programs. Thus, in a few months, we will also be releasing the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Bachelor Degree Program Model Curriculum and Academic Standards. More details on these releases will be available shortly.

Finally, it is with great pleasure to announce that NCEMHS is in the process of rolling out a pair of new academic peer review journals in 2018.

The American Journal of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Dr. Kenneth J. Ryan, Editor-in-Chief.

The American Journal of Cyber-security and Defense
Dr. Keith E. Clement, Editor-in-Chief

Thank you very much for your kind attention to our newsletter and we look forward to providing additional information on these subjects and more next month!

Best regards,

Dr. Keith Clement
Executive Director
National Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security